Water agitation image

Water agitation in a closed tank

The overInterDyMFoam solver and Chimera (overset) grids were used for OpenFOAM.

Flow in porous image

Multiphase flow in porous media

The multiphase flow solver was developed using C++ for OpenFOAM with HPC.

FSI image

Multiphase flow in FSI

The multiphase flow solver was developed using C++ for OpenFOAM.

dam image

Dam break

The solver was optimized by hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming for Telemac.

shale image

Particle transport in shale fracture

The MPPICFoam solver was used for OpenFOAM.

wave image

Faraday wave resonance

The VOF solver was developed using C++ for OpenFOAM.

oscillation image

Free surface oscillation wave at low and high frequency system

The VOF solver was developed using C++ for OpenFOAM.

mach image

Growth of small disturbances in supersonic boundary layer

The in-house DNS code was developed using Fortran90.

super image

Heat transfer of super critical water

The user subroutine was developed using Fortran in STAR-CD.

cavitation image

Super cavitation

The interPhaseChangeFoam solver in OpenFOAM was used.

modeling image

Multiphase flow modeling

The UDF (user defined function) was developed using C for FLUENT.

large image

Large scale CFD simulations

The mesh was generated using snappyHexMesh in OpenFOAM.

lbm image

LBM for multiphase flow

The in-house code was developed using Fortran90. The 3D MPI HPC was employed.

hurricane image

Hurricane simulation

The solver is developed by coupling WRF and ROMS through CESM coupler.