- High Performance Computing (Post-Doc), Intel® Parallel Computing Center, Texas A&M University
- Nuclear Engineering (Ph.D.), Xi'an Jiaotong University
- Thermal Engineering (Master), Xi'an Jiaotong University
- Chemical Engineering (Bachelor), Xi'an Jiaotong University
Senior Consultant/Software Developer, USA (2015 – present):
Project MPI, OpenMP and GPU with C++ and Fortran code developments:
- Development of large-scale finite element software for fault seismic waves (Fortran, C++ and Python)
- Developing a regional coupled earth system model with WRF and ROMS coupling (Fortran, C and Python);
- Conducting the Regional CESM for regional high resolution climate simulations (Fortran, C and Python);
- OpenFOAM for complex fluid flow with practical applications (C++).
Project Intel Xeon Phi C++ code developments:
- High Performance Computing (HPC) at Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Cluster (KNL) using OpenFOAM (C++);
- Coupling DPM and DEM with VOF for multiphase flow using OpenFOAM (C++);
- DPM and DEM modeling for porous media based on OpenFOAM (C++);
- OpenFOAM for complex fluid flow with practical application (C++).
Consultant/Software Developer, Outside USA (2000 – 2014):
Project high performance computing C++ developments:
- Parallelizing and optimizing OpenFOAM for dealing with large scale high performance computing (C++);
- Parallelizing and optimizing 3D CFD codes of VOF, level set and CLSVOF for multiphase flows (C++ and Fortran);
- Parallelizing and optimizing 3D LBM code for multiphase flows (C++, Fortran and Matlab);
- Lagrangian algebraic slip mixture model for multiphase flows (C and C++);
- Interface dynamics of multiphase flows (C and C++);
- OpenFOAM for complex fluid flows (C++).
Project large scale C++, C and Fortran code developments:
- Research and development on large scale CFD parallel computing program towards the Exascale (C and Fortran);
- Research and development on supercavitation around high speed submarine using OpenFOAM (C++);
- Hybrid MPI and OpenMP parallel CFD programming for finite element method (Fortran);
- Complex fluid flow using OpenFOAM on chemical reactions and combustions (C++);
- Research and development on hypersonic rarefied flows using OpenFOAM (C++).
Project MPI Fortran code developments:
- in-house hypersonic CFD code development for LES and DNS with MPI (Fortran);
- CFD with heat transfer of supercritical pressurized water (SCWR) (Fortran);
- Developing compressible CFD code (SBLI) on DNS and LES for hypersonic flows (Fortran);
- Development of novel drift-flux model for two-phase flows (C and C++).
Project code developments for nuclear engineering industry:
- CFD on aided design of supercritical pressurized water-cooled fast nuclear reactor (SWFR);
- Research and application of CFD (C++ and Fortran);
- Multiphase flow modeling and code developing (C and C++);
- Nuclear reactor thermal dynamics computing (Matlab, Fortran, C and C++).
Presentations and Publications:
Books, Jounal articles and Conference papers at
Media reports:
Transforming Raw Oil and Gas Reservoir Data into Actionable Insights at