CFD technical skills:
C++ object-oriented design (OOD) manufactory model for Cuda GPU object-oriented programming (OOP) framework
#include<iostream> #include<cuda.h> #include<cuda_runtime.h> #include<sys/time.h> const int IMAX{1000}, JMAX{1000}, KMAX{1000}; struct fnode{...}; struct macronode{...}; class cudaRun { public: cudaRun() {}; virtual ~cudaRun() {}; virtual void run() const = 0 {}; void init(){ cudaMallocManaged((void **) &buf_macro, IMAX*JMAX*KMAX*sizeof(macronode)); cudaMallocManaged((void **) &buf_f, IMAX*JMAX*KMAX*sizeof(fnode)); cudaMallocManaged((void **) &buf_isnode, IMAX*JMAX*KMAX*sizeof(int)); } private: fnode 3D_array; } class cudaNoshare: public cudaRun { public: __global__ void kernel(int *isnode, fnode *buf_f, macronode *buf_macro, srtpara para, int imax, int jmax, int kmax) { ... } virtual void run() const{ kernel<<<grid, block>>>(buf_isnode, buf_f, buf_macro, bufh_para, IMAX, JMAX, KMAX); ... } } class cudaShare: public cudaRun { public: __global__ void kernel(int *isnode, fnode *buf_f, macronode *buf_macro, srtpara para, int imax, int jmax, int kmax) { ... } virtual void run const() { kernel<<<grid, block>>>(buf_isnode, buf_f, buf_macro, bufh_para, IMAX, JMAX, KMAX); ... } } class cudaStream: public cudaRun { public: __global__ void kernel(int *isnode, fnode *buf_f, macronode *buf_macro, srtpara para, int imax, int jmax, int kmax){ ... } virtual void run() const { kernel<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(buf_isnode, buf_f, buf_macro, bufh_para, IMAX, JMAX, KMAX); ... } } int main(void) { cudaRun *gpuRun = new cudaNoshare(); //cudaRun *gpuRun = new cudaShare(); //cudaRun *gpuRun = new cudaStream(); gpuRun->init(); gpuRun->run(); return 0; }
Fortran object-oriented design (OOD) manufactory model for Cuda GPU object-oriented programming (OOP) framework
PROGRAM MAIN use mod_cudaInit use mod_cudaRun implicit none type(cudaInit), pointer :: gpuInit type(cudaNoshare), pointer :: gpuNoshare type(cudaShare), pointer :: gpuShare type(cudaStream), pointer :: gpuStream class(cudaRun), pointer :: gpuRun allocate(gpuNoshare) allocate(gpuShare) allocate(gpuStream) gpuRun => cudaNoshare ! gpuRun => cudaShare ! gpuRun => cudaStream call gpuInit % init() call gpuRun % run() END PROGRAM module mod_cudaInit use mod... implicit none type, public :: cudaInit contains procedure(data_init) :: init end type cudaInit contains subroutine data_init(this) ... end subroutine init end module mod_cudaInit module mod_cudaRun use mod_cudaInit implicit none type, abstract, public :: cudaRun contains procedure(abs_run), deferred :: run end type cudaRun !----------------------- abstract interface subroutine abs_run(this) ... end subroutine abs_run end interface end module mod_cudaRun module mod_cudaNoshare use cudafor use cudaInit use mod_cudaRun implicit none type, extends(cudaRun), public :: cudaNoshare procedure :: run => no_share_run end type cudaRun !=============== private :: no_share_run contains attributes(global) subroutine kernel(int *isnode, fnode *buf_f, macronode *buf_macro, srtpara para, & int imax, int jmax, int kmax) ... end subroutine kernel subroutine no_share_run() call kernel<<<grid, block>>>(buf_isnode, buf_f, buf_macro, bufh_para, IMAX, JMAX, KMAX) end subroutine no_share_run end module mod_cudaNoshare module mod_cudaShare ... end module mod_cudaShare module mod_cudaStream ... end module mod_cudaStream
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